Monday, May 6, 2013

My heart is beating

just when I felt I was burning out
just when I felt winter was not going away
just when I felt I was doodling without progressing
the sun comes up, dries my bones and pushes me to make some quick sketches
today I feel like drawing


justo cuando me sentía quemada
justo cuando sentía que el invierno no se iría nunca
justo cuando sentía que garabateaba sin progresar
sale el sol, seca mis huesos y me empuja a hacer unos bocetos rápidos
hoy me apetece dibujar


noemozica said...

Y nosotros, le damos gracias al sol ^_^

Unknown said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're finding inspiration and drawing again. I love your photos of the ocean here.

Unknown said...

Espero que las fuerzas sigan ahí, y sigas dibujando pese al gris...que nos traga...

Cara Edwards said...

Wow look at the colour of that sand! Looking forward to seeing these drawings :)