Tuesday, September 4, 2012

As blurred as September can be

It might be this end-of-summer flu I have, treacherous and nosy, but these early days of September are sliding away and leading me to nothing. It might be that I am sulking, or that I have to cover dozens of school books and I'm not feeling like it at all, or the fact that is raining, or that I am filling up many sketchbook pages with my doodles but I seem not to finish anything, or it might be that I have opened the newspaper although it was not the healthiest thing to do, or it might be that I really need to take a nap...How blurry can September be!


Será por esta gripe de final de verano, traicionera y metomentodo, pero los primeros días de septiembre se deslizan y no llevan a nada. Será que estoy enfurruñada, será que tengo que forrar los libros del cole y no me apetece, será que llueve, será que lleno las hojas del cuaderno de bocetos pero no acabo nada, será que he leído el periódico aunque no era recomendable para la salud, será que quiero echarme una siesta... ¡Qué borroso es Septiembre!


noemozica said...

Yo lo que tengo es un sueño eteeeeeeeeeeeeeerno... zzzZZZzzz

Unknown said...

Mira para atrás, busca la luz en agosto...sáltate estos días de septiembre agrisado...retoma el verano...de una forma alternativa, con sandalias y calcetines!

Christine Clemmensen said...

I hope some of September's warm beautiful light will get your energy up.
Lighting candles, cuddling in the corner of your couch with a warm cup og tea, perhaps?

Your image is gorgeous. Best of everything to you :o)

Esti said...

Noe, descansa, descansa.
Ibabe, aunque me cueste entrar en temas otoñales, al final lo hago con alegría.
Christine, fortunately it's still warm and I can still enjoy some extra beach days. Thanks for your words!