Friday, February 11, 2011


Husband has unearthed a bunch of analog cameras and has plunged into long-gone photography. He has also found in a refrigerator dozens of old film rolls to play with -probably expired-. He has returned to photography romanticism. Shooting with the intuition and patiently wait for images to emerge from a dark room. Those times.

And then you have the chance to appreciate the work of a good photographer. We went to see the exhibition of Fazal Sheikh and really noticed the difference. There were these faces, containers of hundreds of stories and censored feelings, photographed with the most sensitivity. Beautiful pictures of a very cruel world.


Husband ha desenterrado un montón de cámaras analógicas y se ha zambullido en la fotografía olvidada. Además ha encontrado decenas de rollos antigüos, supuestamente caducados, en un frigorífico, con los que juguetear. Ha vuelto al romanticismo de la fotografía, cuando disparabas con la intuición y esperabas a que las imágenes surgieran de un cuarto oscuro. Aquellos tiempos.

Y de repente tienes la oportunidad de ver la obra de un buen fotógrafo. Fuimos a ver la exposición de Fazal Sheikh y realmente notamos la diferencia. Allí estaban esos rostros, contenedores de historias y sentimientos censurados, fotografiados con sensibilidad. Bellas imágenes de un mundo terriblemente cruel.

Today's music:
The Hellacopters


We Blog Artists said...

Hmmm...kind of ironic how we can find beauty in images like that...but I know what you mean.
My husband is working on our Dark room too...can't wait to dabble again! It's so fun seeing what can be from things you seeing them again, but different.
HUGS and have a great weekend.

anne said...

I agree. You can find beauty in sadness.

husband said...

este finde finaliza la exposición en la sala Rekalde, para los que podáis acercaros