Ayer, tarde de playa. Hoy, día de ciudad.
Mientras miraba el mar, no sólo me dí cuenta de lo afortunados que somos por tener un escape así al alcance de la mano, también caí en la cuenta que mi estado de animo cambia tanto como las mareas, como la primavera misma. La paciencia se me escapa entre los dedos, consumo mis energías en oleadas, lo mismo estoy activa que derrotada, lo mismo estoy habladora y sonriente como ensimismada y dubitativa. Todas las personas que habitan en mí se asoman en primavera. ¿Será la astenia primaveral?
An afternoon at the beach yesterday. Today, a day at the city.
As I watched the sea not only I realized how fortunate we were for having such a delicious escape nearby, but also I noticed that lately my mood changes by the hour, like the tides, like spring does. Patience slips away between my fingers, my energy burns down in waves, I'm active one moment and despondent the next. I might as well be talkative and smiling or lost in thought and dubious. Every person that lives within me shows themselves in spring.
Does this have to do with the spring asthenia?
Today's music:
The Jam
Si que es un lujazo, a mí el mar es lo que más me relaja del mundo.
Eso que cuentas creo que viene de serie en las mujeres, ojalá ocurriera sólo en primavera.
Será... Está bien dejarse influir por el clima... aparte de que es inevitable...
Oye, que a mi también me pasa... aunque alguna dirá que es porque soy un poco maruja, jaj...
Si, en primavera se agudiza; pero si el resto del año consigues tenerlas a todas a raya, eres afortunada...
Wow....picture #2 is magnificent! My heart stopped as I scrolled down to it....thank you for sharing, XX, Carmie.
Gris acentuado por el titanio y el verdoso de la ría.
Sólo ese pasamanos azul...como el mar??
La primavera nos mata a todos y más después del invierno oscuro que hemos sufrido.
Oh yes I know this feeling! Until the weather decides to be summer I think I will be the same. One day sunny, the next a few showers. :-)
imaginate yo, sin mar y encerrada porque tengo alergia, si que tienes suerte
Wow Esti- the first picture is amazing! We all get that feeling- and the rainy weather doesn´t help... Hey-btw-no worries about corner view-I know you are really busy now. Un beso- The Jam does help.
Gracias a la naturaleza y su poderoso influjo somos como estamos. Nos pasa a todas las mujeres y a Jorge.
Si te sirve de algo, a mi me pasa igual....
i love reading your thoughts and then looking at your music pick of the day - i always wonder if there is a relationship between your topics and your music choice, and if so, what it is...
aimee, I usually post the music I'm listening to while I'm writting. Sometimes I play music depending on my mood, as a way of underlining it; while some other times I play music that I think it can improve my mood... Music is quite important to me, you know, ha, ha...
haha, thanks for explaining, esti - it's really one of my favorite parts of reading your posts! i love to psychoanalyze that music-thought link :)
ha ha, aimee, if this helps... The Jam is the band I always think of when I see some grey city pictures: "In the city there's a thousand things I wanna say to you...". This line sums up a lot of my urban thoughts...
que hermosas fotos Esti! muy buen fin de semana, espero que puedas disfrutar de la playa! :)
Wow, so cool to live near such a great building! I know what you mean about moods changing. I think it may be a misconception that people should be happy all the time. AS long as your are happy most of the time, things are good :)
Wouahou !!! Your pictures are really amazing...!!! Quel talent ! bravo.
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