Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A glimpse at the moon made us young forever

Look, my skin is more wrinkled  every morning when I wake up, but my weaknesses have not changed. 
My laugh resonates fuller, my happy moments are much happier. 
My clothes hung loose on my bones and my shoes make no noise when walking. 
My steps know their destination and my gait is mine alone.
My friends have been with me a long way and they know me well.
And at every full moon I marvel as if it was the biggest moon I have ever seen.


Mira, mi piel se levanta más ajada cada día, pero mis debilidades no han cambiado.
Mi risa suena más llena y sonora, mis momentos felices son mucho más felices.
Mi ropa cuelga en mis huesos más suelta y mis zapatos ya no hacen ruido al caminar.
Mis pasos son conocedores de su destino y mi manera de andar es sólo mía.
Mis amigos me han acompañado un largo camino y me conocen bien. 
Y cada noche de luna llena me maravilla como si fuera la luna más grande que jamás haya visto.

Today's music:
Kurt Vile


Cynthia Schelzig said...

Just wonderful!..I love your work!
Beautiful ocean fotos below too.
Have a great Tuesday!

Unknown said...

Me too...but a bit more heavy...should wait more for the moon.

Viana said...

qué preciosidad!

We Blog Artists said...

Beautiful Piece Esti!

I love how in Spain the Moon is really blessed monthly. I remember when I lived in Mallorca for those 7 years...the amount of talk of parties and gatherings on full moons was incredible.
My husband proposed to be on a Full Moon night...it was stunning!
HUGS and thanks for the "jerk" of memories in my brain.

La Almoneda de Gabriela said...

Qué bonito!!!! Precioso lo que escribes y la ilustración!
Feliz noche.

Cara Edwards said...

I love love your use of textures! Your work seems so natural. It's beautiful.

Bea said...

Jopetas Esti....

Suzanne said...

Wow, your words are so beautiful..