Thereza's hands
El trabajo que realizan tanto Thereza como Pia me alegra el día. El aire liviano de sus obras, el optimismo, la delicadeza, el uso del color o el ojo curioso, la forma de contar sus historias y muchas cosas más hacen que las sienta cerca pese a vivir en muy diferentes lugares. Tras dibujar sus manos pensé: "¡me estoy divirtiendo tanto!"
Tal y como le dije a alguien ayer: tampoco es tan difícil ser amable con la gente que es amable contigo. Y resulta, además, muy gratificante...
Thereza's and Pia's work makes my day. Their light air, the optimism, the delicacy, the perfect use of color or the curious eye, the way they tell their own stories and a lot more things make me feel them close, even if we live in such different places. After drawing their hands I thought: "I'm having so much fun!"
As I commented yesterday to someone: It isn't hard to be nice to people that is nice to you. Plus, it happens to be so gratifying...

Pia's hands
Today's music:
P.J. Harvey, Radiohead...
oh my goodness esti, these are so beautiful!! You have made MY day! wow, i really love them, thank you so so much. now i have to go and tell everyone xx
El juego de hoy consiste en buscar animales en las manos de Thereza y Pia.
El marido
Today´s game: search for animals drawn in Thereza and Pia´s hands.
awww Esti, they're sooo beautiful!!! THANK YOU!!! I couldn't help but post it on tinyred as my joy of the day. i love it!!!! :)
Quite true, quite true... treating people as you yourself would like to be treated makes sense.
More great hands for me to see. Brilliant!
Happy weekend to you, g
Oh Esti, they are so beautiful. I think that Pia's are my favourites so far.
esti, i found your work from thereza's site. your work is stunning! it reminds me of mehndi. what a beautiful way you have found to connect with others using your amazing talent. my 5 year old is fascinated with tracing her hand; i cannot wait to show her your work! i could look at your blog all day!
Ya sabes lo q dicen
buen fin de semana
Son todas preciosas, las manos inocentes, de un ni�o, de un anciano, negras, blancas, amarillas... todas!
These are spectacular.
Thank you all so much. I'm so glad you like them.
aimee, welcome!Thanks for stopping by
Now these last ones in particular are my favourite. Wow...
I love the animals hiding in these hands...I didn't notice at first and then noticed when I looked more closely! Wonderful!
ooh, again such nice work esti.
I can't get over how pretty and stylized pia's hands came out, so neat.
wonderful again Esti.
it is a pleasure to list you on my 'always looking' list, i visit here all the time.
i forgot to leave a message here. i hope you don't mind that i left a link to this post of yours in my blog.
your hand sketches are amazing.
it's surreal too to find i could practice my spanish reading your blog.
Me gusta muchisimo el trabajo de Pia; ademas la conoci en Amsterdam y es una chica encantadora, buenisima, adorable.
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