Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blurred morning

So the bell has rung really early this morning. The girls were asleep until then, but they've woken up alarmed. As I've opened the front door a man tried to deal courteously with my highly upset face. 
Note to self: there are bullies with abusive manners, I must learn to identify them before they step on me.


El timbre de casa ha sonado muy temprano esta mañana. Las niñas dormían, pero se han despertado alarmadas tras la llamada. Al otro lado de la puerta un hombre se ha enfrentado cortesmente a mi cara de enfado. 
Apunte para el resto de mis días: hay gente de modos abusivos, tengo que aprender a identificarlos antes de que me pisoteen.

Today's music:

1 comment:

anne said...

I hope you have a better start of the day today :)
Sending you good vibes and hugs.