60 x 80 cm
23 x 31 inches
The latest of the forests.
El último de los bosques.
La exposición Bosques Mágicos ha finalizado ya. Estoy muy contenta por haber sacado a la luz los cuadros de estos últimos meses, por haber escuchado las opiniones de familiares, amigos y desconocidos. Pero al mismo tiempo me he dado cuenta de dos cosas: por una parte, no me acordaba de lo poco que me gusta hablar de mis dibujos con desconocidos que me acribillan a preguntas; me quedo muda. Y por otro lado, que algunas de mis obras estén ahora colgadas en las paredes de gente que no conozco, haber perdido su pista, me produce un sentimiento extraño.
Por favor, si alguien que haya comprado uno de mis cuadros lee esto, que se ponga en contacto conmigo (mi mail está arriba a la izquierda de esta página) y me mande una foto de la pared que mi cuadro habita. Gracias.
The Magical Forests exhibit has finished. I'm very glad to have brought up my latest art, to have listened to the different opinions from family, friends and strangers. At the same time I have realized of two facts: one, I had forgotten that I don't like talking about my work with unknown people asking me loads of questions; I turn dumbstruck. Secondly, some of these pieces are now hanging on strangers' walls and I have lost track of them for good, and this makes me feel weird.
So please, if anyone of the buyers happens to read this, get in touch with me (you'll see my mail address on the top left of this page) and do please send me a picture of the wall my drawing is decorating. Thank you.
Today's music:
Bill Evans
Jajaj... tienes el síndrome de la pared vacía o así...
Tiene que ser curiosa esa sensación de que algo tuyo sea de otro sin dejar de ser nunca tuyo... Es como si los cuadros se alquilaran indefinidamente...
the colours and lines here are so good.
Esti, ya sé que no tiene nada que ver con esto, pero como he estado desconectada seis meses tengo una duda ¿qué fue del Proyecto Manos? ¿Ya lo acabaste?
Un abrazo.
your works are very beautiful, mysterious and harmonic at the same time. i understand you feel weird to talk about them. they talk their own language. it doesn´t need any explanations.
Yes, I agree with you. It's difficult to interpret pictures that you have made yourself.
but I'm glad to read that your exhibition has been so good!
i agree with the others. it's one thing to make the pieces, and another to talk about them yourself. totally different worlds.
have you survived the hurricane? i feel so ignorant - i had no idea that spain was vulnerable to hurricanes. i couldn't believe about it when i read the newspaper. hope all is well and that your property didn't sustain too much damage.
yo al principio siempre soy reacia a desprenderme de lo que hago...
no te preocupes por tus cuadros, son como hijos que un día teníana que volar del nido...
aimee, hurricanes aren't common in Spain. This is the first I have witness, that's why we didn't pay much attention to the warning and anyway didn't know what we were suppossed to do. All in all, our house didn't have any damages, although it's quite old and for a moment I thought the roof was goinf to fly away. Everything is almost back to normal again :)
So pretty. I'm sure you miss your pieces - what a wonderful way to re-connect with them!
Preguntale Unai a ver qué le pareció el huracancito. Con lo que habrá visto por ahí seguro que aprovechó para darse un chombo por el abra, jejej...
super lindo Esti!!!!! es grande?
ohhh ahora me doy cuenta da las medidas.. dyslexia, ves?! hehehe
ya me contaras si alguien te ha mandado la foto de la pared... te entiendo perfectamente.
Lucía, digamos que el proyecto manos está en standby... me he enredado un poco en el camino... como Ewan McGregor en Big Fish... ;)
i love this series. it's completely captivating. i hope you get to see some of the paintings hanging in their new homes! xoxo, k.
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